If you’re ever getting bored of super-clean postcard views of famous places and buildings, you might find Jon Damaschke’s inside views of Chicago inspiring. His square-formatted pictures provide a very unique, sensitive and thoughtful look upon his hometown and his fellow citizens. Being a gifted observer, Jon often arranges his spontaneous portraits of people passing by into a clearly segmented composition, using architectural or environmental structures as dominating lines to create a highly defined structure without losing liveliness and impact. Change, decay, communication, human relationships, picturesque details as well as isolation and grief can be found in his artwork. Jon uses his camera both to document and to comment upon urban reality.

The results speak for themselves. Jon’s gallery provides a widespread panorama of modern city life. His approach goes way beyond the Chicago city limits, aiming at modern life itself in a very personal way, showing sympathy, optimism and - despite the sternness of many of his compositions - a warm-hearted sense of humour.

Better be warned, folks. Jon’s view of the Big City, close to the heartbeat of a rapidly changing metropolis, soon turns out to be not only seductive, but highly addictive.
— Frank Hoese, Germany
Jon Damaschke’s photographs are momentary glimmers, a collective subconscious of urban life in the City of Chicago. Using a Rollieflex camera, his eye is constantly attempting to catch the present moment in synchrony with time before it passes and transforms into something else.

Many of his photos portray unsuspecting people roaming the city at chance moments when their lives intersect with Damaschke’s camera and with a sense of heightened design, he captures their likeness in a way that adds grandeur to ordinary events. ….there are many pregnant moments in the urban life all around us. The deep texture and richness of shooting and developing film adds a unique quality to his work that lends a timelessness to the characters and locations he photographs. Even the delay in the process of shooting an image in the moment but not seeing the artwork realized until the roll has been developed adds a layer of mystery and craft to the final results, and their additions to his body of work as auspicious events.
— Literary Orphans

Chicago 6x6 is passionate about capturing the world's remarkable beauty through the art of analog photography. We are dedicated to using vintage cameras and film to create stunning images that evoke a sense of nostalgia and wonder.

In addition to photography, we also offer an exclusive selection of merchandise that is truly one-of-a-kind.

With Chicago6x6, you can bring the magic of film photography and art into your life. Explore our portfolio, browse our shop, and immerse yourself in the timeless art of capturing moments on film.